on wikipedia and learn really interesting, relevant shit"
Trinidad's GDP doubled between 2002 and 2006! And due to emigration
their population growth rate is the lowest in the world! Per capita
GDP is something close to Saudi Arabia.
The population is 40% of African descent and 40% of Indian descent.
With the rest being European, Lebanese, Chinese, and others. The
indo / african ratio is reflected in the split of radio stations
(making it the fucking best most unbelievably perfect radio in the
world for me) and (less awesomely) in domestic politics, where indo-
triniadians line up with one party and afro-trinidadians with the other.
Incidentally, the most shocking thing on the per capita GDP list is
Ireland. They have the number two spot, just under the curiosity
Luxembourg (come on, Ireland, you've got to step your money
laundering game up). Now I'm even more pissed that mom didn't play
her cards right to get me and Mary dual citizenship.