
Brazilian word games

1) The word "comer" in Brazilian Portuguese means both "to eat" and
"to fuck". So there's a joke, "As duas coisas melhor na vida sao
comer" which translates (literally, radio-editly) as "The two best
things in life are eating".

2) The word "pasta" means "crack" (as in cocaine).

3) There was a Brazilian folk hero who, when under attack by an
invading army, yelled "O Mata o Moro!" to his followers, which
translates roughly as "kill or be killed!". However, it also
translates as "Either the forest or the hills!" and some say that as
he waved his sword in the air he indicated each respective exit.

4) There is a Brazilian verb that means "to lick all over and cover
with saliva", and not in an eew way. I just forget what it is.