
Reef Traverse

This one is for John Knapp and anybody reading Against the Day, on
the topic of the character "Reef Traverse". Prepping for the sailing
trip I read almost everything you could about sailing on Wikipedia.
Turns out that "reefing" is a nautical term meaning to reduce sail.
That is, when the wind is really strong, or a storm is coming, you
need to reduce your sail surface area or the force of the wind force
will flip or otherwise fuck up your boat.

Reef modulates between anti-capitalist dynamiter and resort-hopping
card shark, pulling back emotionally and strategically when things
get too hot. This "reefing" action defines the character in relation
to his family. The story centers around the approaching storm of
WWI, and uses a lot of nautical language (from the first line "single
up all lines") so the category works.

I think reefing is a good word for what I've been doing these past
six months. Getting a bit sick of it, want pick up my elephant gun
(so to speak) and start pushing more of myself against the world.